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June 11, 2024

Prompt Engineering: Optimize Interactions with ChatGPT

Explore Prompt Engineering to optimize interactions with ChatGPT. Learn more about key strategies and methods for improving responses.

Prompt Engineering to optimize interactions with ChatGPT

In the world of artificial intelligence, Prompt Engineering emerges as a crucial art for optimizing interactions with language models such as OpenAI's ChatGPT. In this guide, we'll explore the concept of Prompt Engineering, its key strategies, and how to apply them to achieve accurate and reliable results.

spiegazione chatgpt-api

So let's start by making a difference between ChatGPT and OpenAI. ChatGPT is the interface, the user interface, with which we interact and request an output. Every time we interact with ChatGPT, we're actually running an API call. It's a process that transmits our request to OpenAI's sophisticated models, which process the input and return a response to us. In other words, ChatGPT acts as a medium that allows us to communicate with artificial intelligence.

Explore further the meaning and importance of APIs in this article.

Definition of Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering represents the art of formulating requests or commands so that an artificial intelligence can understand them and respond effectively. Let's review the three basic types of messages: System, User, and Assistant, and understand each one's crucial role in communicating with AI.

Types of Messages

  • System: They define the behavior of the assistant, modifying personality, tone or providing specific instructions.
  • User: They provide input to the conversation.
  • Assistant: They memorize previous answers or examples of desired behavior.

Prompt Engineering's Winning Strategies

Prompt Engineering spiegazione
1. Clarity in the Instructions

Explain the requests as you would with a child, leaving no room for misinterpretation. Specify the desired context and format.


plaintextCopy code
Riceverai in input due articoli (delimitati con tag XML) sullo stesso argomento.
Prima riassumi gli argomenti di ciascun articolo e
poi indica quale dei due presenta un argomento migliore, spiegandone il motivo.
2. Provide Context with Reference Texts

It helps ChatGPT to better understand the context by providing reference texts, such as giving an artist a photo for a portrait.


plaintextCopy code
Usa gli articoli forniti delimitati da virgolette triple per rispondere alle domande. 
Se la risposta non può essere trovata negli articoli, scrivi "Non ho trovato una risposta."

3. Break Down Complex Tasks

It facilitates the work of artificial intelligence by dividing complex tasks into more manageable sub-tasks.


plaintextCopy code
Riceverai richieste dal servizio clienti.
Classifica ogni richiesta in una categoria primaria 
e secondaria e fornisci la risposta in formato JSON.

4. Give the Processing Time

Ask ChatGPT to 'think' and reflect before responding, allowing for a structured logical process.


plaintextCopy code
Segui questi passaggi per rispondere alle domande degli utenti.
Passo 1 - Elabora prima la tua soluzione al problema.
Racchiudi tutto il tuo lavoro tra virgolette triple.

5. Use External Tools

It integrates external tools to compensate for deficiencies in artificial intelligence and improve overall efficiency.


plaintextCopy code
Sarai in grado di scrivere ed eseguire codice 
Python racchiudendolo tra triplici backticks.
Per ogni funzione, fornisci documentazione e esempi di codice.

Systematic Evaluation of Results


To ensure the effectiveness of the changes, carry out systematic tests. Use the number of test cases needed to detect significant changes. For example, if you want to detect a 30% difference, a sample of about 10 tests may be sufficient. However, for more subtle differences, such as 10%, 3%, or 1%, samples of about 100, 1,000, and 10,000 tests are needed, respectively. Essentially, the smaller the difference you want to detect, the greater the number of test cases required to obtain reliable results with 95% confidence.


Prompt Engineering is crucial to optimize interaction with ChatGPT. By following these guidelines, you can maximize efficiency and get more accurate and relevant results.

Prompt Engineering is not only a technical skill, but a fundamental methodology for improving the effectiveness of interactions with artificial intelligence. Armed with knowledge and strategies, you'll be able to confidently and accurately address the challenges of using AI models such as ChatGPT.

Note: This article is based on concepts and strategies presented during the video “Guide to Prompt Engineering”, providing an in-depth and practical overview for those who want to learn more about this topic. We invite you to learn more by consulting the Official OpenAI document for a full and detailed understanding.


1. What exactly does a Prompt Engineer do?

The main task of a Prompt Engineer is to optimize the interaction between users and artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT. This is done through the formulation of clear and relevant prompts that guide the AI in decision-making and in generating accurate answers. In addition, Prompt Engineers help prevent misuse of AI by users and ensure that requests are effectively managed.

2. What is the importance of visual prompts in Prompt Engineering?

Visual prompts are tools used by Prompt Engineers to improve AI understanding and response. By using videos, images, or other visual aids, it is possible to provide the AI with a clearer context and facilitate the generation of appropriate responses. This is especially useful in scenarios where verbal instructions may be ambiguous or not sufficient to guide the AI properly.

3. How can Prompt Engineers help improve the user experience with AI?

Prompt Engineers play a critical role in ensuring that user interaction with AI is smooth, efficient, and satisfying. By designing clear, contextualized, and well-structured prompts, Prompt Engineers help users get accurate and relevant answers to their questions. In addition, they help prevent frustration or misunderstanding on the part of users, ensuring that requests are properly understood and treated appropriately by the AI.

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