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Personalized CRM aimed at optimizing customer management


Learn how a tailor-made CRM platform helped FRH improve customer management


quality customers


Time saved


customer data management optimization

Thanks to the efficient CRM platform and the automations, we have saved precious time and improved the management and experience of our customers.
Fabricio Carminati


FRH, short for 'French Riviera House Hunting', is a real estate agency specialized in assisting buyers interested in buying property in the renowned Côte d'Azur region, located in France. FRH's mission is to guide buyers through all phases of buying a home, from property selection to negotiations and paperwork, ensuring a stress-free experience. With FRH, clients are never alone in looking for a property: the agency provides personalized and professional support, helping to identify the dream home based on the client's specific criteria.


  • Manual Property Search Process: The manual process of searching for properties required a significant amount of effort, since it involved the manual collection of information from different real estate sources.
  • Data Dispersivity: Property data was distributed across different platforms, causing difficulties in management and increasing the risk of errors.
  • Lack of Internal Communication: The lack of communication between team members slowed down the process and increased the likelihood of duplication of efforts.
  • Long Process of Entering Customer Data: The manual process of entering customer data required significant time and resources.
  • Management of Updated Checklists: Managing checklists to monitor the status of activities required frequent and manual updates.
  • Spreadsheet Management: Managing spreadsheets to track customer properties and preferences was laborious and susceptible to human error.


  • Using the WAVE Matrix © to identify existing processes, identify bottlenecks and establish development priorities.
  • Preliminary design of the solution to address the identified challenges.
  • Development of a functional MVP to test backend logic, prompting and user experience.
  • Implementing automations such as Web Scraping with the Airtable webclipper to simplify the search for properties.

➡️ Discover how to optimize business efficiency with Wave Matrix! Click here to read the article: Maximize Business Efficiency with Automations


The proposed solution is a CRM platform to centralize and unify customer data, together with various automations to optimize the process. This includes automatically sending emails when a new home is available, simplifying property and customer management.


The transition to a more automated approach has led to significant time savings and a reduction in manual errors. Property search has been improved thanks to the automation of web scraping, while customer management has been optimized thanks to the CRM platform.

Tools used

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